Educational blogs for parents and professionals
Harmonizing with Hope: How the Magic of Music Can Alleviate Fall Depression
Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year, with its colorful leaves, crisp air and recreating many fall family favorite food recipes. I know mine is anything pumpkin! However, for many people, it is also a time of increased sadness, anxiety, and depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects around 5% of the American population, with symptoms ranging from low mood to fatigue, irritability, and sleep problems. According to the American Psychiatric Association, “SAD typically lasts about 40% of the year and is more common among women than men.”
If you are feeling down during the fall season, one of the simplest and most effective ways to boost your mood is to listen to or play music. In this blog post, we will explore how music can help alleviate fall depression and provide tips on how to create the perfect fall playlist.
Music boosts your mood and releases endorphins
Listening to music has been linked to the release of endorphins and natural chemicals that trigger a positive feeling in the body. This is why music has such a powerful effect on our mood and emotions. By listening to uplifting and upbeat music, you can stimulate your brain to release endorphins, which can help counteract feelings of sadness, anxiety, stress and more. Playing an instrument can also have the same effect but you do not need to be a musician to benefit from its positive effects.
Music can reduce stress and anxiety
Music therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. Studies have found that listening to calming music can help reduce stress hormone levels in the body, such as cortisol, which can contribute to feelings of anxiety, tension and stress. Creating a playlist of relaxing music on your iPhone or smart devices can help your body and mind to unwind and relax, reducing stress and anxiety levels. For more information on how music can help boost your mental health check out this article from the JED Foundation. Click Here for article
Music can evoke nostalgia and positive memories
Music has a powerful association with memories, and certain songs or genres can evoke positive memories and emotions. By listening to music that reminds you of happy times in your life, you can boost your mood and increase feelings of joy and happiness. From childhood classics to favorite college tunes, there is a wide range of music that can evoke a sense of nostalgia and positivity. I know when I listen to the Muppets theme song it immediately brings a smile to my face.
Music can improve your sleep quality
Sleep problems are a common symptom of depression and anxiety, and poor quality sleep can exacerbate these symptoms. Listening to calming music before bed has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce sleeping problems such as insomnia. According to the Sleep Foundation, “Music has been shown to decrease levels of a stress hormone called cortisol. Music triggers the release of dopamine, which can boost good feelings at bedtime and may help manage pain”. To help your body and mind unwind before bed and to improve your sleep quality, pre-select some relaxing sounds or songs that you can put on a playlist and play while you start to settle in. Don’t forget to put your earbuds in as your calming music may be a distraction to your sleeping partner. Not everyone responds to music in the same way.
Music can provide a sense of connection and community
Music has the power to bring people together and create a sense of connection and community. By attending concerts, listening to live music, or even joining a choir, you can create a space where you feel connected to others through the shared experience of music. This social support can be an invaluable tool for combating feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are common in fall depression. If you are unable to find a community music group you can start to create musical moments with your family by creating a family dance party playlist, which is always fun and entertaining.
Music is an underrated but powerful tool for combating depression and improving mood and emotions for those struggling with mental health conditions and especially during the fall season changes. By creating a playlist of uplifting, calming, and nostalgic music, you can provide yourself with a simple but effective way to boost your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, improve your sleep quality, and create a sense of connection with others. So go ahead, create your ultimate fall playlist, and see how music can improve your mental health and wellbeing this season. Or if you are a musician, get out your guitar, sit at the piano and get a pot/spoon from the kitchen to create some rhythm and create a family band and rock it out through the changes of the fall.
Did we miss anything out? Let us know how music helps you get through the possible challenges of the Fall season. Also, we’d love to know some of your favorite calm songs that we can collect to create a playlist together.
For more information contact:
John Mews, LMFT, MT
CEO & Founder - Mewsic Moves
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Music Therapist
Email: john@mewsicmoves.com
Phone: (818) 877-6797
Web: www.mewsicmoves.com
Truths and Myths About Eating Disorders
There are a lot of myths surrounding eating disorders, below you’ll find the most common myths and truths.
Eating Disorders only affect young, thin, wealthy white girls: MYTH. Eating Disorders affect all genders, ages, ethnicities, body sizes, and socioeconomic statuses. Oftentimes because these people don’t fit the stereotype, they don’t fit the criteria for insurance companies and they do not get treated when in need.
Commenting on someone’s weight-loss / gain is helpful towards their recovery: MYTH. Appearance DOES NOT diagnose an eating disorder. It is important to avoid commentary on body image to prevent accidentally triggering someone.
An Eating Disorder is a mental illness: TRUTH. Yes this is true! Eating disorders are brain disorders that can be triggered by / rooted in many factors: biological, social, psychological, and environmental.
Recovery is possible: TRUTH. With finding the proper treatment, whether one finds a good therapist, an educated dietician, or a treatment center that is affordable and fits their needs, recovery can happen. It is important to continue raising awareness however so as a society there can be less stigma and more support.
Music can be very helpful in aiding anxiety and connection. Learning about other musical artists who write songs about their struggles with eating disorders can help people struggling feel that they are not alone and be something that they can listen to when they are fighting this tough battle. Studies are starting to appear on the effectiveness of music therapy in aiding people with eating disorders, but there aren’t a lot yet. Here is one that could be helpful to look at: Music Therapy Interventions for Eating Disorders Study.
Musical Artists Who Have Written About their Struggles:
Demi Lovato: Skyscraper, I Love Me
Maria Mena: Just a Little Bit
James Vincent McMorrow: I Lie Awake Every Night
Taylor Swift: Tied Together with a Smile
Silverclair’s lead singer, Daniel Jones: Ana's Song
If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation about how music therapy can help.
Author: Francesca Crowley, MT
A Little About Francesca:
Francesca is a music therapist in recovery who works at Mewsic Moves under the incredible John Mews, LMFT, NMT. She began her passion of understanding eating disorders and uncovering how to help others with similar issues along with their loved ones and doctors gain information. Francesca is diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease and when she was just nineteen, her Doctor told her she needed to lose weight in order to control her blood pressure. Although the doctor had good intentions, these few comments kickstarted a downward spiral for Francesca until she had a full-blown eating disorder. Learning how to use the right language to aid in someone’s well-being as well as taking the shame and guilt out of eating, but also out of body image is very important to Francesca and she hopes that this article will help others become more informed!
Eating Disorder Support in a World of Stigma
An eating disorder IS a mental illness! Here are some resources that can support you, your family or your clients…
For those who are not familiar with eating disorders, you can find more information here: Eating Disorders Explained
About one-fifth of American medical students are required to take a nutrition course and most medical schools in the United States teach less than 25 hours of nutrition over four years, According to the Harvard School of Public Health, . Marcella Raimondo, PhD, MPH, discusses in one article how Eating Disorder Training is being left out of Medical Schools: Read here. Studies show that medical students receive less than two hours of training on eating disorders. Do you feel this is adequate training for such a complex disorder? Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses (Marcella ED Training)
Many individuals suffering from an eating disorder have stated that the lack of knowledge their doctor had negatively affected their recovery process. How can doctors have more sensitivity? How can families and loved ones become more educated? How can we support the eating disorder community?
What is Health at Every Size (HAES)?
“Health at every size (HAES) is a lifestyle that encourages healthy eating and enjoyable physical activity as a way to feel better and live longer. Unlike other programs, it does not believe weight loss through dieting is the way to become healthy.” (National Geographic). Find out more information here: Health at Every Size
What is Intuitive Eating?
“Intuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework, which integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought and was created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. Intuitive Eating is a weight-inclusive, evidence-based model with a validated assessment scale and over 100 studies to date.” (intuitive eating.org)
It is important to be educated on intuitive eating because it not only teaches one how to listen to their body, but also teaches one how to move on from when you may get too hungry or eat beyond fullness without shame or guilt. The wonderful book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch can be purchased here: Intuitive Eating
The Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating - Find out More Here
Reject the diet mentality
Honor your hunger
Make peace with food
Challenge the food police
Discover the satisfaction factor
Feel your fullness
Cope with your emotions with kindness
Respect your body
Movement - feel the difference
Honor your health - gentle nutrition
Important Resources for your knowledge:
Lindo Bacon - a major contributor to the HAES movement: Resources
Evelyn Tribole - writer of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works: Resources
Marcella Raimondo - Advocate for there being more knowledge of nutrition in the medical system: Resources
National Eating Disorders Association - Resources
Project Heal - Resources
Youtube Resources:
Affirmations are important because they help aid us in the self-confidence and strength we may need to conquer our fears or insecurities. I remember when I was in treatment, I was with six other girls and each morning, we would pick one of each other’s names out of a hat and by the evening we would give each other affirmation. These would consist of what we found most special about that person. I accumulated all of those affirmation over the two months I was there and I saved them so when I am feeling particularly down, I will read them and remember what these girls who got to know me from spending twenty-four hours a day with me saw in me that i may not have seen in myself.
Five Supportive Affirmations: (Find more here or think of your own and write them down!)
I am more than your eating disorder.
I am not perfect and that is okay.
My worth is not defined by a scale.
I am worthy of love.
I AM enough.
Music therapy is successful at helping those dealing with eating disorders. Schedule your free 15 minute consultation to learn more about how it can help you or your loved one.
Author: Francesca Crowley, MT
Happy Holidays? 5 Ways to Maintain Optimum Mental Wellness During The Holidays
Happy Holidays!? Or is it? December has arrived, “Tis the season to be jolly?”. This is a time of the year we will be bombarded with messages of “joy, spirit, and much more, but it is also a time of the season when many people experience the complete opposite such as loneliness, depression, anxiety and more…
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 64% of people reported being affected by holiday depression. loneliness, stress, anxiety, and depression to name a few, are a reality for many during this holiday season. If you or any of your loved ones are experiencing these emotions, you are not alone. Here are 5 ideas we would like to share with you to help you survive and make the best of the upcoming holidays.
1. Music can be a distraction, why not learn how to play an instrument?
According to a study by Spotify, after playing a musical instrument, 89% of adults experienced increased feelings of happiness and relaxation. A third of participants noted that playing an instrument gave them a sense of purpose, confidence, and self-worth. If you are interested in learning an instrument, having a teacher will also provide an opportunity to make social and musical connections with another person who is there to support you! In this day and age, it is also common to learn an instrument through Youtube or other programs, (my nephew learned how to play guitar throughout the pandemic on YouTube).
Here are 4 recommendations if you would like to learn how to play a new instrument:
Try Take Lessons: Take lessons offers free live group lessons as well as 1:1 lessons that start at $1 an hour!
Try MasterClass: This program offers courses that are led by well-known instructors and even celebrities from all spectrums of the musical world.
Try Skillshare: Skillshare has over 27,000 classes available (including 2,000 free ones), it is a huge resource for online education almost anything, but is very ideal for learning about music or a musical instrument!
Try Udemy: Udemy is an enormous platform with a wide variety of subjects to learn about. If there’s an instrument you’re eager to play, even a less common one, it’s most likely here! Each course is designed and presented by an industry professional. Lessons start from $11.99.
2. Volunteering for a service program
In the documentary, Selena Gomez: My Mind and Me , Dr. Vivek Murphy discusses the concept of loneliness and how to take steps to support loneliness. He notes that what truly matters is the quality of connections we have with one another. In situations where we feel like we cannot be ourselves, it tends to disconnect us and distance ourselves from others which can lead to feelings of loneliness and/or isolation. In his research, Dr. Murphy emphasized how important it is to be of service to others. Service is one of the most powerful antidotes to loneliness and/or depression. Dr. Vivek Murphy concludes, “We reaffirm to ourselves that we have value to bring to the world”.
5 volunteer organizations we suggest:
Meals on Wheels: Meals on Wheels is an organization that works to better the mental, emotional, health, and economic well-being of Americans in need, especially seniors. They constantly work towards their vision of ensuring that every American senior can enjoy a nourished life with freedom and dignity. Their mission is to make efforts to stop anyone going hungry or feeling lonely.
Insight Heart Foundation: Insight Heart Foundation is an organization providing essentials to vulnerable adults and children within low-income communities in Canada. They work to provide clothes to people who are homeless, school supplies for children, provide transportation for seniors, and much more.
ClimateScience: Climate Science is a UK-based organization driven by volunteers from all around the world! It is a place for people to learn about realistic solutions to climate change and resources to work together and contribute to our environment effectively!
Resource of 25 NGOs in Asia: Interested in contributing to communities in Asia? This website has a fantastic list of non-profit organizations to volunteer or donate to that include a variety of countries and needs
Peace Corps: A U.S. government program that provides volunteer opportunities to over 60 countries all over the world in continents such as Africa, Europe and Asia!! It does not charge people to volunteer, and provides meaningful work to support developing communities.
3. Tap Into Your Creativity
Being alone can be an opportunity for us to tap into our creativity! According to Shrein Bahrami, therapist and author of The Loneliness Companion, “being alone allows more freedom to choose to make time and space for a creative activity without external pressures. If we allow ourselves to connect to our emotions, we can choose to feel and express them safely through a creative outlet which can be healing and meaningful.
Here are 4 creative outlets:
Write a song: The idea of writing a song may be intimidating, but the process of writing a song can be exhilarating and fulfilling! . This link will give you easy steps to write your own song to express how you are feeling (even if you do not have much musical experience).
Make a painting/drawing: Drawing or painting can be a great positive distraction. This link provides tips on how to start drawing or painting even as a beginner.
Write a story: Not only can we write about how we’re feeling, but we also can write an alternate reality that reflects how we feel or how we want to feel. This link provides many tips to start writing your own authentic story!
Write a poem: Don’t want to commit to writing a long story? Try writing a short poem! You can even try challenging yourself to make a poetry journal. Creating a poetry journal could keep you accountable to constantly create something, while also giving you a way to reflect on how you once were and how far you’ve grown. This link guides you through starting to write your feelings and thoughts into a personal piece of poetry.
Keep in mind that when tapping into our creative outlets, aiming for perfection is not the main goal. The key goal is to process how you are feeling and turn it into something you can hear, feel, see, or touch. Through this we provide a sense of accomplishment and value in our lives.
4. Move and Dance!
It has been proven that moving reduces stress, boosts self-esteem, relieves feelings of depression, and so much more. (Bruce, Debra 2022) When we exercise, our body releases chemicals known as endorphins which trigger positive feelings in the body! (I love to crank my favorite songs and dance in the kitchen or in the shower).
Here are 4 movement and dance exercises:
Plan a thematic walk: Walking during the cold weather can be tedious and depending where you are located can be dangerous. Depending on where you are located, adjust the setting, and try to go out for a little walk to let your mind and body reset. This link will provide some ideas on how to make your walk a little more exciting.
Dance to a Video: An in-person dance movement class can be so fun but sometimes it’s hard to find one! This web resource provides a 30 minute “all-level” cardio dance workout! Get those endorphins pumping and enjoy moving and dancing to upbeat music! “Mewsic Moves”!
Stretch: Stretching is important for our minds and bodies. It helps improve flexibility which supports our physical performance in other daily physical activities. Stretching also brings our thoughts to the present moment which can be very beneficial to our mental health. This video offers support to individuals of all levels and ages to start stretching our bodies which overall impacts our mental wellness.
Hiking: Hiking is an excellent form of exercise that connects ourselves back to nature. Not only can we gain the feel-good endorphins from moving, but we also can gain perspective on how there is so much beautiful life around us. Hiking also has benefits for our heart, balance, and allows us to disconnect from all the outside noise. This link organizes trails for you whether you’re a beginner or an expert.
Not only do we encourage you to move, but music is proven to help motivate our bodies and minds to move at a steady pace for a longer period of time. (Thaut, 2015). Click the link below to see our holiday post from last year that includes a variety of songs to add to your movement playlist!
5. Join a social group meaningful to you
It can be challenging to put yourself out there, but a rewarding way to reduce the feelings of loneliness is to make an effort to connect with other people. Like Dr. Vivek Murphy said, one of the greatest elements of life is human connection. Taking the time to listen to someone and practice empathy can help us feel less alone, connected and be a positive presence for someone else. One way to connect with others is to join a club! Finding a group that has similar interests as our own can be a great start to making meaningful connections.
Here are 4 resources to various clubs:
Join a book club: Reading is an awesome way to learn, grow, and escape into an alternate reality. It gives us the opportunity to transform our everyday life. Taking the opportunity to talk to people about a book that you just read and enjoyed can be even more transformative! This resource is a reading program that is a worldwide digital version of a local book club. If you can’t find a book club in your community, this is a great way to connect with people from all over the world!
Join a singing group: Music is a wonderful way to deeply connect with people. This link takes you to an amazing group called, “The Sofa Singers”. Developed during the pandemic, this group was created with the mission to have an inclusive and supportive worldwide community that sings together online. Regular sessions take place at 7:30pm Tuesday and 11am Friday every week (GMT). Similarly, Mewsic Moves transitioned their Glee Choir for adults with neuro-divers, intellectual and developmental needs during the pandemic to an online zoom platform to help with community connection.
Join a gardening community: Gardening can make us feel more at peace and practice mindfulness by being present. It requires us to focus our attention on the immediate task allowing us to feel better in the moment. What’s even better is being able to do this while also having a place to share our little plant treasures with other people. Gardening can also be quite difficult if we don’t know the best way to take care of our plants. This resource link provides 10 online gardening communities!
Join a music appreciation community: A feeling possibly better than listening to your favorite song is having someone who loves that song just as much as you and listening to it together! There is ample evidence of how music adds life to our communities, engages our brains, and strengthens our sense of belonging and connection with others. (Playcore, 2020). This link directs you to a variety of music appreciation groups near you.
Mewsic Moves would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you our own music-making communities, Glee Choir and Musical Minds.
Glee Choir is our music therapy program for adults with neuro-diverse, intellectual and developmental special needs. The group is a safe space for our adults to share their love for music, while also working on a variety of goals such as building self-esteem, expressing emotions, social skills, and much more. We offer this program in person as well as via zoom to help support adults that are located in remote areas where programs may be less available.
Musical Minds is our group therapy program for individuals with Parkinson’s and/or Alzheimer’s to experience music-making together in a fun and safe environment, while also working on a variety of goals such as improving cognitive functioning, memory, self-expression, motor skills, and much more. We also like to include partners and family members into this program to continue to focus on family connection.
Lastly, we want all of you to know that you are not alone in these feelings. Mewsic Moves felt so deeply about this that we produced a video during the pandemic that focused on mental wellness and invited music therapists from all over the world to join in a musical message to let others know that whenever you are feeling lonely, anxious or depressed, and more… “You are Not Alone”
The next few months can be extremely difficult and draining for some. We want to validate that this can be a very tough time for many and we are here to help support you and hope some of these resources will help you survive this difficult time of the year.
Peaceful and Well Wishes this Holiday Season. You are not alone. Also if you need additional support we offer a FREE 30 minute consultation and offer counseling sessions to work on strategies to make it through the holiday season.
Holiday Stress, Mental Health and Music Therapy
During the holidays, we often find ourselves under extreme pressure from media, advertisements, and sometimes even family to have high expectations of joy, family values and gratitude, but sometimes this part of the calendar year can often be taxing and painful for some. We want to make sure you are gentle with yourself and have some musical resources to help you maintain your positive and healthy mind throughout this challenging time of the year. Our amazing music therapist, Kate would like to share a few music interventions we use in our mental health music therapy groups that you can keep at your disposal and practice when things seem overwhelming during the holidays.
1. Playlists
Create the perfect playlist for boosting your mood or even validating your emotions. Music is inseparable from emotion. Meaning, that if you listen to music that you find uplifting, you can try to refocus your energy into positivity. Listening to music has been proven to lower stress hormones such as cortisol. It also helps regulate your autonomic nervous system which controls your blood pressure. One way to start making playlists is to find a mood or theme and create playlists that encompass that mood or theme. Then, you can use it as a tool when you’re feeling down or stressed. Music can be a support, companion and an outlet, plus much more.
Here is an example of our 5 top Playlist titles and some song examples for each: (click on song titles to listen)
Inspiration Songs
A Change is Gonna Come - by Sam Cooke
Cranes in the Sky - by Solange
Gratitude Songs
Gratitude - by Earth, Wind and Fire
Days - by the Kinks
Releasing Anger Songs
So What - by Pink
Break Stuff - by Limp Bizkit
Distraction Songs
Them Changes - by Thundercat
Wait for a Moment - by Vulfpeck
Nostalgia Songs
Choose songs that remind you of the past and help you reminisce good time. You may also choose songs you listened to when you were 18, or songs you listened to 10 years ago. (Caution - be careful of grieving during these songs, its meant to help you connect to good feelings and welcome those into the present not to grieve or worry that you no longer feel this way)
2. Gratitude Lists
One practice that lends to maintaining positivity in times of adversity, is gratitude. It’s important to stay grateful for the things you receive whether it’s tangible or intangible. It helps you realize what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. Tony Robbins also talks a lot about focusing on gratitude as a practice. He states “gratitude and fear cannot exist at the same time” so if anything a gratitude practice can put our fear or negative thoughts on hold. To create your gratitude list, first, you can put on your uplifting playlist you created from the above playlist example. Then, you can start your gratitude lists out small with three things you’re grateful for and write them down. A great time to do this is in the morning when you wake up, or at night before you fall asleep. Challenge yourself to not repeat items on your lists. Some people create a notebook or a journal just dedicated to gratitude. Then, when you’re feeling down, you can read through all of the things you’re grateful for.
Here are some songs that you can use while practicing gratitude: (click on song titles to listen)
What a Wonderful World - by Louis Armstrong
In My Life - by The Beatles
Grateful - by Rita Ora
3. Movement
Here at Mewsic Moves, we want to encourage you to move! And what a better way to move, than to music. We’re not telling you to flat out dance, although dancing is so good for you. You can move however you feel most comfortable. Moving your body to music, such as walking, stretching or dancing can help calm and regulate your emotions. It can energize you and it can even get rid of anxious energy and thoughts as many of us feel during the holiday season. What feels comfortable for you? Do you enjoy walking? If so, that bilateral stimulation provides much benefit for your body and mind. Do you enjoy stretching? It can provide stress relief, pain relief and mental clarity. Finally, dancing. It can improve cardio health, it’s gentle on the body, and it often leads to joy. Use your uplifting playlist, or create a dance playlist and find what feels good for you and your body.
Here are some songs that we suggest that will get you up off your feet: (click on song titles to listen)
Sir Duke - by Stevie Wonder
Hey Ya! - by OutKast
Electric Feel - by MGMT
Can’t Stop the Feeling - by Justin Timberlake
We want you to first of all know that it’s “OK Not to be OK” (by Marshmellow & Demi Lovato) during these next few months of holidays and the whirling emotions that many of us feel. Although it’s challenging to find contrary action in hard times, we believe in you and want to share some music resources to help you get through this holiday season. We also want to encourage you to reach out and connect with others when you feel alone or need support. We hope that some of these music resources will help and support your optimum mental wellness this holiday season.
Peaceful and Musical Wishes this Holiday Season.
Let’s Be Social:
Self-Love Songs: Music Therapy for Trauma Survivors
Photo by Jean-Karim Dangou on Unsplash
A part of the human experience is trauma – some have a little, some have a lot. I won’t break down how people are broken down by the world; music often provides such answers, in raw, multi-dimensional, and engaging ways. Therein highlights the invaluable multi-tool which is the object of our discussion: music, or more specifically, music therapy for trauma survivors. Unfortunately, the stigmas associated with mental illness ensure many who suffer don’t get the help they need. This is, ironically, even true for musicians themselves, though mental health in the music industry is a beast of a different nature.
Music therapy is introducing many non-musicians to an outlet of self-love through the joys of music. There is empirical, theoretical, and experiential evidence to support music therapy. Sites of music therapy can be found in homes, prisons, schools, youth centers and hospitals around the world. Whereas it can be difficult to overcome or articulate our traumas in everyday settings, music therapy offers opportunities for release, self-discovery, reward, the facilitation of grieving and pleasure, and community building. Music therapy takes three forms: playing or listening to music alone, in a one-on-one setting with a licensed music therapist, and in a group setting.
All music can be therapeutic, whether you’re making the music yourself or listening to recordings. Although a licensed music therapist can help guide you through a process and provide more support, listening to music at home or playing on your own can also be healing. With the availability of recordings today, from YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, or home CDs, you can choose from a wide range of genres. Whatever your mood and needs, there is likely a piece of music out there that can help. If you feel inspired to create music, you can hum or sing a familiar folk song for free. Using music as a way to improve your mood, work through complicated feelings, or calm down after a stressful day are all a type of music therapy. However, if you find that listening to your favorite song isn’t enough, you can contact a music therapist who can help you explore your feelings and trauma using music.
Where solitary action is simply not enough, music therapists are there to provide a service which could greatly benefit the trauma survivor in need. Guided exercises with music therapists, appointed by a mental health physician, combine the benefits of professional psychology with a ground-breaking methodology which aims to personalize and musicize the therapy process. Talking to – or better yet, singing to or with – another human being who knows what they are talking about when it comes to trauma can guide the individual through the difficult healing process in a way that better engages and empowers the individual.
Additionally, music therapy in a coordinated group setting has unique benefits which may not be achieved by an individual practicing alone. Group or communal music therapy aims to help people with working together and to instill a healthy mixture of individuality and unity. Group discussions and group-music-making can encourage individuals to feel as if they belong to a larger whole which can be extremely important. Serving as a basis for the case for group-oriented music therapy is the way in which music has cemented the bonds between a group of oppressed people, who share a connection to each other precisely because of their suffering. American Blacks, for example, subjugated to slavery in the United States, used such mediums as songs and hymns for unification and motivation as a cohesive unit of oppressed and estranged people. The same principle can be more broadly applied to disabled veterans who share with each other a similar trunk of struggles in the wake of their often-damaging services to the military, or a group of children devastated by a local tornado.
Music is more than just another coping mechanism for some, but rather a way of surviving, and there is strength in numbers. It is for many reasons including this that music therapy is a valid and expansive resource for those struggling with trauma, and it is emerging in many personal and institutional settings. If you are someone struggling with trauma and cannot find effective short-term or long-lasting coping mechanisms, music therapy may be the change you never knew you were searching for, the self-love song you’ve been longing to sing.
Exclusively written for mewsicmoves.com
Mewsic Moves is also offering telemusictherapy sessions during this time for those that need additional mental health support in dealing with anxiety and depression or also those that want to continue individual music therapy sessions but are practicing social distancing.
For more information please reach out to us:
email: john@mewsicmoves.com
phone: (818) 877-6797
Let’s Be Social
Benefits of Making Music With Your Family: Especially During Quarantine
The global pandemic has forced thousands of people to lessen their time outside of their homes. This has encouraged families to look into different types of activities that they can do from home. In line with this, Rolling Stone's piece on instrument sales during quarantine details that a surge in music gear sales and downloads for free music software Garageband has surged due to quarantine.
Now, if you've been undecided on whether or not making music with your family is something you should consider doing then this is the article for you.
Aside from it being an overall fun activity, making music with your family also brings other benefits as well. If you want to learn more about this process, read on for a quick discussion on why recording an album or some songs with your family could prove quite beneficial.
Benefits of Making Music With Your Family:
Bonding Opportunity
First of all, making music with your family is a great opportunity to bond. Even if you have children that are too young to participate, they can still reap the benefits of the music that you'll be making. The New York Times' article on lullabies and bonding highlights how babies' sense of hearing is the most important sense they'll give for the first two years. This is why singing to your children is one of the most effective ways to form a connection early on.
Cognitive Development
Aside from being a fun activity, playing and learning how to play instruments has quite a few cognitive benefits as well. An article published on INC. highlights that science has shown that musical training can change the brain's structure in a way that promotes long-term brain development. Mileage will obviously vary depending on how involved your children will be with the entire music-making process but this is something you may want to keep in mind when considering trying out musical activities with your family.
Importance of Creativity
Lastly, the importance of creativity when it comes to you child's development cannot be understated. A study conducted by researchers from UC Berkley detail that nurturing your child's creativity could help them with problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence down the line.
What You'll Need to Record:
Audio Interface
To put it simply, your audio interface will be what sends your recording into your computer. All you have to do is connect a microphone into it to convert the sounds into digital form. Most audio interfaces come with features that let you monitor the metering and levels of your recordings to ensure that they're optimal for the music that you're trying to make. The Focusrite Scarlett is a good place to start as it is budget-friendly and is compatible with 3rd party digital audio workstations (more on this later).
The next thing you'll need is a microphone to record instruments on. We understand that not everyone is familiar with music gear. Which is why it's important to look for a mic that's simple to set up and use. Shout4Music’s review of The Audio-Technica ATR2500 outlines how this particular type is a plug and play mic making it easy to handle and record with. Not to mention it has the range and flexibility to record a multitude of live instruments that may be used for the songs. If you're only going to be recording one song rather than an entire album, your phone or computer's built-in microphone may be the way to go. However, if you're going to be recording extensively, a decent microphone is pretty much a necessity.
Digital Audio Workstation
Lastly, a digital audio workstation (DAW) can make up for any live instruments you lack. It can even add effects and samples to any of your tracks. When it comes to DAWs you'll one want one that's intuitive and easy to use. If you're using macOS, Garageband is a great free option as it comes with many instruments and effects that'll be useful for any song you'll be trying to record.
If you enjoyed this article, you might want to check out our other article on the 11 Music Activities to Do With Your Family During Corona Virus Shut Down for additional things to try out!
Exclusively written for mewsicmoves.com
By: Leila Alayna
Mewsic Moves is also offering telemusictherapy sessions during this time for those that need additional mental health support in dealing with anxiety and depression or also those that want to continue individual music therapy sessions but are practicing social distancing.
For more information please reach out to us:
email: john@mewsicmoves.com
phone: (818) 877-6797
Let’s Be Social
Coronavirus Got You Down? You Are Not Alone!
As a mental health practitioner, I support people with various mental health conditions daily. My initial approach is to help clients first understand and recognize the elements and symptoms of mental health decline if they do not already. Many clients share that they have been struggling for a long time but were not aware of the elements of their conditions; and shame or embarrassment have kept them from seeking help or speaking out about their mental health challenges.
As the coronavirus pandemic began and the social isolation and distancing became mandatory, it made me think of so many who may be affected by mental health decline and are not even aware of its symptoms and effects on them.
I want to highlight some common thoughts or feelings that I encourage you to pay close attention to, and hopefully find the necessary help and support that you need during these challenging times. It is also important to understand that although many of these feelings and reactions are normal during a traumatizing pandemic, they can also lead to a deeper state of mental health decline.
Here is a list of some of the thoughts and feelings that I would like to bring to your attention:
1- Hopelessness
Giving into and repeating all the fear, thoughts, and negativity during this time can lead to a sense of hopelessness. This can be a sign of depression or a precursor to depression.
2- Panic & Anxiety
Panic is a sudden uncontrollable fear of something. If we spend too much time in panic and anxiety, this can have dramatic effects on our overall mental health and can lead to body pain and even panic attacks. This is something to pay attention to and I urge you to find ways to help decrease or distract you from panic, anxiety and worry.
3- Worry
Worry is a common trait of ours. However, as I described above, when we consistently feel worried it can turn into catastrophizing thoughts and have an overall impact on our emotional and physical wellbeing. Catasprophizing is ruminating on a negative thought and convincing yourself things are worse than they really are.
4- Feeling Overwhelmed
Many families, individuals, businesses and even our amazing heroic front line workers are more likely feeling overwhelmed right now. Feeling overwhelmed is not to be taken lightly or to be “shrugged off”. This is a common symptom of anxiety and an indicator that someone is doing “too much of something”. Feeling overwhelmed can also trigger panic and/or depression.
5- Lack of Interest/Desire
People who experience a lack of interest or desire in things that usually give them pleasure is often a core symptom of depression.
6- Engaging in Excessive Behaviors
This is a tricky one as many right now are binge watching Netflix and are bored and engaging in activities more than they usually would, including drinking alcohol. It is necessary to pay attention to this as this could lead to further excessive behaviors, and we need to check in on our mental health and strive for balance.
8- Case of the F*** Its!
Most of us know at our core that it is important to stay healthy, eat well, have balance in our lives and so on. But when someone feels overwhelmed, worried, has no interest and on top of that experiencing being alone in isolation, it is easy to get the case of the “F*** it’s”, which is a type of “I don’t care anymore” perspective. This can also lead to giving up on things that are important to your overall mental health like exercising, meditation, reaching out, and much more.
I want to encourage you in the midst of these chaotic times and this pandemic that we all experience some of these elements above; but I want to bring awareness to them and encourage you that “you are not alone” and if you recognize any of these thoughts and feelings in excess, I encourage you to reach out and seek help.
I feel very strongly about the use of music during these times. Being a music therapist, I see the many benefits of music to help validate as well as distract from many of our emotions and life situations that we may experience. I have turned to music many times myself to help release my emotions and worries during this time.
At the beginning of the pandemic I could not get the song “You Will Be Found” from the popular musical Dear Evan Hansen out of my head. I sat at the piano, recorded it, and felt especially drawn to the line that repeats “you are not alone”. I wanted to share this message with the world during this time and invited my music therapy colleagues from all over the world to join me in song. I have found so much comfort during these difficult times collaborating with 116 other music therapists across the world on this project and want to spread the message to the world that “you are not alone”.
As I have outlined above, I want to bring awareness to many of the thoughts and feelings that may arise during traumatic times and to educate others who may not know or understand its impact or effects. Please don’t be afraid to talk to others about what you are experiencing, seek help and know that “you are not alone”.
Thank you for taking the time to view this video and we encourage you to share this musical message with many others who may need to hear “You are Not Alone”!
Mewsic Moves is also offering telemusictherapy sessions during this time for those that need additional mental health support in dealing with anxiety and depression or also those that want to continue individual music therapy sessions but are practicing social distancing.
For more information please reach out to us:
email: john@mewsicmoves.com
phone: (818) 877-6797
Let’s Be Social
Photos by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash
11 Music Activities to do With Your Family During Corona Virus Shut Down
This is a challenging time for many right now as businesses and schools are closing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus. There are millions of children that are having to stay home and one of the biggest concerns for parents is …
“What do I do with my children all day?”.
As a music therapist in the field for the past 15 years I have spent a lot of time helping families create and implement at home music programs from educational to a multitude of other therapeutic goals. As fear and worry surrounds us during this shutdown it is of utmost importance to also focus on optimum mental health. Music therapy has sown increase positive benefits over the years in multiple research studies that help reduce anxiety, depression, fear and worry. What a more important time right now to use music more than ever.
Here is a list of some of the musical activities that I suggest you share and implement with your family during this time. I highly suggest you to make it fun, make it educational and make it meaningful and memorable! These are times that children will remember most that during stress and chaos “my family came together through music and play”.
Enjoy sharing music with your family during this time!
1. Music Improvisation or Family Jam Session
Most music therapists use music improvisation (or jamming) as a way of connection, communication and helping clients redirect their energy and focus. You do NOT need to be a musician to improvise music. You can utilize instruments that you may already have at home or make it fun and creative and find objects around your home to use as instruments. For example: Pots and pans, buckets, keys, plastic containers, and much more can be fun improvisation instruments. You can also make a fun scavenger hunt for your family to see how many items they can find at home to turn into an instrument. Enjoy the creativity, sounds and rhythms you can make together as a family. Solos are also fun as well!
2. Song Play Lists
Music therapists often help clients collect songs to create various playlist to match their emotions or create memories of monumental moments. You can take some time where you and your family chooses an emotion and search for songs that they can place in each play list. Children can even do this on their own if you give them directions and access to YouTube to find songs that fit each category. Some category examples are:
Music to motivate me
Music that makes me happy
Music from my favorite movie
Music that clams me, etc.
Music family favorites
3. Music Dance Party
Music and movement is central to our bodies and can help us regulate our emotions and allow us to release tension. When music is played our whole bodies receive the therapeutic benefits of its vibration and sound. Mewsic moves (play on words intended) us to move and dance so why not create a list of your families favorite dance songs and move together and have fun.
4. Karaoke
Singing has been known to decrease anxiety and depression as well as a powerful tool in expressing our feelings. Find some family favorites and sing along together. Youtube has a lot of karaoke sing along versions of songs that could be fun for you and your family.
5. Song Rewriting
Music therapists utilize song rewriting activities in many sessions to help clients connect to their feelings or to express themselves. Song rewriting can be made easier by taking out various words from a familiar song for your family to fill in the blanks and to make the song their own.
For example: You are my sunshine can be rewritten as:
You are my ___?___, you make me ___?___, when skies are ___?___…
6. Music to Relax and Practice Mindfulness
Photo by Jyotirmoy Gupta on Unsplash
Music can have a therapeutic impact on helping us relax, practice mindfulness, focus on positivity and allow us to let go of negative/fearful thoughts. This can be a useful tool right now to help children (and parents) to practice relaxation, medication and practice focusing on gratitude and positivity in a time of uncertainty and worry.
You can take time to go through all your families favorite songs that help them to feel calm. I prefer to use music that has no lyrics to help focus on images or thoughts that come to mind when you sit, listen and focus on mindfulness.
7. Music and Art
Music and art is a powerful combination to help express, focus and share our thoughts and/or feelings. Music and art is also a therapeutic combination to help with expression, mindfulness and exploring creativity. You can have your children create art (such as painting, drawing or collaging) to match the music or their feelings.
8. Make Your Own Instruments
This has usually been a favorite in my sessions with the children that I work with. Make this activity fun and encourage your children to find things around the house that they can use to make their own instruments.
For example: empty prescription medication bottles can turn into a fun musical shaker if filled with rice or beans. Also, plastic containers can turn into a fun guitar or stringed instrument with elastic bands around it. Pots and pans are always a favorite with young children but not so much with parents! (I learned how to play the drums with my parents pots and pans set)
9. Music Trivia
This will take a little bit of research and time but can be a fun activity to learn more about music, lyrics and artists. For example:
How many songs can you list that has the word HAPPY in it?
Name 3 songs by Beyonce
Who sang Let it go?
10. Learn a New instrument
For those of you that may have an instrument at home this can be an ideal time to sit down and learn some of the basics of this instrument together. Youtube has many amazing videos on basic piano, guitar and ukulele strategies to name a few. I highly recommend ukulele as it is an affordable instrument as well as easier to learn than guitar, especially for younger children.
11. Educational Learning Through Music
Many music therapist utilize music to help children learn new educational material that they may have struggles with at school. Turn math, reading and social stories to a whole new level by creating a simple melody to make learning fun and easier to learn. How did most of us learn the alphabet? We sang it!! Make learning fun through music. For example:
Create math song melodies to learn addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and more.
Use rhythm and melody to help with spelling
I hope you find these 11 musical interventions helpful for you and your family during this time of being homebound and trying to fill the time. Also, please share any of your ideas or musical videos of you and your family creating music together as I’d love to see what you create together.
I welcome any additions to this list and love to share musical resources to help all families during this time. Please share in the comments below.
Mewsic Moves is also offering telemusictherapy sessions during this time for those that need additional mental health support in dealing with anxiety and depression or also those that want to continue individual music therapy sessions but are practicing social distancing.
For more information please reach out to us:
email: john@mewsicmoves.com
phone: (818) 877-6797
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How Music Therapy Interventions Can Address the Culture of Bullying
Image Link: https://pixabay.com/photos/children-musical-instrument-music-246847/
Image Source: Pixabay
In recent years, the conversation on how to curb bullying has been fruitful and productive. However, it remains a persistent phenomenon today, especially among children.
Bullying involves acts showing hostile intent predicated on power imbalance, which takes different forms like provocation and intimidation. A recent study from the National Center for Education Statistics found that one in five students between ages 12 and 18 have experienced bullying. The study also found that the intimidation tactics have increasingly taken the form of online or text harassment—around 15% of bullied students have reportedly experienced this.
Bully prevention strategies are crucial for schools and other supposedly safe spaces where children learn. The act of being bullied leads to stress, distress, and anxiety. Researchers from King's College London in the United Kingdom even uncovered that bullying has long-term effects on children. The study found that children who experience bullying have higher risks of mental health illnesses and hampered brain development. Indeed, Maryville University highlights that there are fundamental connections between mental health and learning abilities, and the two affect each other in more ways than we realize. Bullying has many long-term impacts, and chief among them is how it can impair a child’s capacity to learn.
Music as a prevention strategy
Bullying is a complex issue, especially with children. It encompasses the social, economic, structural, and psychological dimensions of upbringing. As a social relationship, bullying is harmful both for the victim as well as the bully. This is why prevention strategies being used are often intertwined and comprehensive.
A landmark study from the University of Minnesota in 2013 found that music therapy can be used as an effective intervention for both bullies and victims. While the longitudinal study focused on gender-based bullying, it showed how exposure to music and interaction mediated by instruments helped in easing negative dynamics among children. By exposing them to feminine-masculine types of music and instruments, the music therapy improved peer relations and self-management.
How does it work?
Music therapy is widely prescribed for many use cases. From pain management and anxiety relief to helping reduce the impacts of trauma and helping recovery, music therapy is seen as an effective alternative mediation for many conditions. As an intervention strategy, music therapy works towards multiple goals including cultivating social skills, regulating emotions, and diffusing toxic behaviors. It can also help children adjust after their non-structured summer vacation, when it’s time to go back to class again.
Music helps children develop their self-expression and socialization process. This is why it’s effective in directing and shaping social behaviors. For reducing bullying behaviors, music therapy is targeted at taking out aggressive behaviors and dis-incentivizing cliques. Psychologists from the University of Pretoria subjected students to music therapy and measured the changes in aggressive behaviors among students. The study found that music intervention, elicitations like drumming and song writing in particular—are effective in decreasing hostile behaviors.
Choosing a method
One of the key characteristics of music therapy as an intervention is its flexibility. It’s an inexpensive but efficient way to deal with multiple goals including reducing bullying behaviors. Choosing an apt method would entail extensive goal setting in reducing bully behavior at school.
When used for children, music therapy often contain elements that are familiar to the students. More passive methods like music reminiscence and stimulation can encourage relaxation and socializing. Meanwhile, more active methods are more targeted. Singalong is a highly social method as it encourages participation in a collective setting. It’s a fun way to let them create more trust towards their peers.
Song writing and learning instruments are more advanced methods. By way of teaching skills, children learn introspection and benefit from peer learning. Incorporating classmate feedback sessions can encourage openness among children.
The potential of music therapy as an effective anti-bullying intervention program hinges on its impact on children’s overall development. The culture of bullying won’t go away in a flash, but the active engagement of children against it can be done one note at a time.
Exclusively written for MewsicMoves.Com
By: Leila Alayna
John Mews, Owner, Founder and Neurologic Music Therapist at Mewsic Moves is also trained in a social and emotional skill building drum facilitation program, “Beat The Odds® ” that utilizes drumming and rhythm to help children, teens as well as adult to connect to one another, improve attention, reduce anxiety and improve social skills throughout greater Los Angeles.
In this program development, researchers at UCLA have shown that,
Beat the Odds® can significantly improve a spectrum of behavior problems in children, such as inattention, withdrawn/depression, post traumatic stress, anxiety, attention deficit/hyperactivity, oppositional defiance, and sluggish cognitive tempo (Ho, Tsao, Bloch, & Zeltzer, 2011).
For more information on Beat the Odds® go to: https://uclartsandhealing.org/services/professional-development/beat-the-odds-drumming-program/
I also want to extend a special thank you to Leila Alayna for this special guest blog article.
Lets Be Social
What is Your Brain Doing During Music Therapy?
A review of a recent case study on how the brain reacts to music therapy.
“For the first time researchers have been able to demonstrate that the brains of a patient and therapist become synchronized during a music therapy session, a breakthrough that could improve future interactions between patients and therapists.”
On July 25, 2019, a new study was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. It was the first research that utilized a procedure called hyperscanning in music therapy research, which allowed researchers to better understand the interaction between two people by recording brain activities in both brains at the same time.
Both EEG (electroencephalogram) and video recording were used to capture data of the session from both the therapist and the client in a guided imagery and music session. GIM music therapist guided the client through an “imaginary journey” while incorporating music listening and images to elicit memories, emotions, and feelings from the client, and to help the client understand life issues.
In this dyadic case study, the goal was to engage the client in a supportive music experience while discussing strong emotions. A series of classical music was played during the session while the client shared and discussed issues and concerns in her life. The researchers specifically looked for the “moment of interest” which was defined as a therapeutically important moment. Brain synchronization was observed through brain scan and video recordings during moments of interest. During one of the moments of interest, the brain scan showed that the client experienced a shift of emotion from negative to positive, which shortly followed by a similar shift in the therapist. The researchers concluded that the client and the therapist truly connected during the session, and such a therapeutic setting provided a safe environment to work on negative emotions, fear, anxiety, etc.
This study marks a milestone in music therapy research by demonstrating the brain synchronization between a patient and a music therapist during a music therapy session. It allowed us to see what "moment of change" looks like inside the brain. The findings could set the foundation on understanding emotional processing in therapeutic interactions, and determining the effectiveness of music therapy in psychodynamic settings.
Original Source
Jörg C. Fachner, Clemens Maidhof, Denise Grocke, Inge Nygaard Pedersen, Gro Trondalen, Gerhard Tucek, Lars O. Bonde. “Telling me not to worry…” Hyperscanning and Neural Dynamics of Emotion Processing During Guided Imagery and Music. Frontiers in Psychology, 2019; 10 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01561
Let’s Be Social
Music is a Companion: Music Therapy and Mental Health Awareness
In my 15 years of work as a music therapist I have supported many clients who struggle on a daily basis with mental health challenges depression and anxiety to mention a few. Many of clients throughout Los Angeles share the same story of feeling isolated, alone and like no one understands. Others also share the immense levels of shame and stigma that accompany these psychological mental health diagnoses. In my sessions I open up a safe space where each can share their experiences and stories of these intense feelings of embarrassment, shame and even stigmas that they face (many by their own family members!).
Just this past week in a music therapy mental health support group I encouraged clients to create a list of musical artists that they were aware of that lives with mental health condition(s) and shares it openly and publicly. This sparked a huge discussion around the topic and led us to share songs that reflected mental health awareness tat were either written or performed by these specific individual artists.
Musical artists that came to mind for most of the group members were artists such as: Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato, Eminem, Macklemore, Pink, and Kesha just to name a few. We then shared specific songs and discussed the artists realness about their mental health struggles in their songs and lyrics. Many clients shared, not only did they connect to the artists and their lyrics but that the music was also a “companion” for them when they felt like “no one was around” or “like no one understood”. One client shared,
“when I was all alone and depressed I would listen to Kesha and felt like she was there with me; through her lyrics I knew she understood and therefore helped me with my loneliness and knowing others do understand”.
May being mental health awareness month, I am grateful to so many music artists (as well as other public figures) that step into vulnerability and share the truth about their own mental health challenges. This place of vulnerability and sharing as Brene Brown speaks of in all her social platforms and books is pure “courage” and helping others to connect and not feel alone in their time of hardship.
If you feel alone, or like no one else understands please find solace in some others stories and music that many artists have shared. And furthermore, allow music to be that therapy in your life during during this difficult time. Find below a short list of songs that clients have shared this week in honor of mental health awareness and how music and many artists are shedding light, awareness and education.
If you are experiencing and forms of mental health challenges please do not hesitate to reach out to local therapists and or treatment centers, we are here for you. This is not a time to give into shame or embarrassment as majority of people struggle on a daily basis with mental health challenges and you do not need to do this alone. "You are not alone”.
Some songs clients chose that reflect Mental Health Awareness:
Glorious - Macklemore
Sill Feel - Half Alive
I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) - The 1975
Everybody’s Lonely - Jukebox the Ghost
Scars to Your Beautiful - Alessia Cara
Rainbow - Kesha
Here I Am - Leona Lewis
In My Blood - Shawn Mendes
Shake it Out - Florence and the Machine
Everybody Hurts - REM
Throughout mental health awareness month we will be posting a song each day on our facebook page that reflects mental health awareness in music. Let music be your therapy, guide and your companion. Please feel free to share some of your songs as well in the comments below or on our social media platforms. We love to share and connect through music.
Let’s Be Social:
Banner Photo by OC Gonzalez on Unsplash
Music Therapy and Mental Health: A Form of Treatment
Music Therapy
& Mental Health Awareness
In most of my music therapy groups this week I dedicated time away from engaging in music but rather to engage in conversations around music and mental health since May is mental health awareness month. I know some of you just gasped and thought, how dare a music therapist do a session without engaging in music ! Well, I did and it was quite powerful!
In most of the sessions the clients were engaged in some deep and emotional discussions around music in our culture and artists that have contributed a great deal to our music as art; many from their own experiences with mental health challenges.
Artists names such as Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears, and so many others came to surface. Clients shared that these artists music has touched their lives in so many ways over the years of their personal struggles with mental health issues. Some have expressed, “It was the only thing that got me through” while others expressed “It was a relief to know that I was not alone”.
Client's have described these songs as being a "source of strength in times of adversity". I encouraged the clients to share songs from artists who gave them words of encouragement that in turn were also dealing with similar mental health challenges.
Music in all forms has been therapeutic for centuries and I want to highlight that even though many of these artists songs are therapeutic I want to honor and thank them that they had the courage to step into vulnerability and share their hurt and challenges through words and song with us. These artists shared personal stories in their songs that continue to support, validate and help many of the clients that I work with in our music therapy groups.
This month let's recognize that much of the music we listen to on a daily basis very likely has been a form of music therapy for the individual artists themselves. Its been a way for them to share their story, their pain and help support others along their journey. That's the beauty in music and creativity -- it can often come from pain but then transform into something beautiful and powerful, similar to the Eminem song, “Beautiful Pain”.
I encourage you to share your story, share your song, share your art and help others find comfort and peace and normalize that mental health issues are real and we can shed some light in the darkness.
Find a list of songs below that clients have chosen in music therapy groups throughout the month that were created and performed from artists that too have struggled with mental illness. This is just a small representation of the many artists out there that struggle and have used their voices and creativity as an outlet, a way to help heal others and help empower their listeners from not feeling alone in their experiences with mental health challenges. (click on song titles to view the video)
Britney Spears - Stronger
Eminem - The Monster
Amy Winehouse - Back to Black
Natalie Grant - The Real Me
Demi Lovato - Skyscraper
Alessia Cara - Scars to Your Beautiful
Macklemore - Otherside
Lady Gaga - Perfect Illusion
Rachel Platten - Fight Song
Justin Bieber - Love Yourself
Do you have other songs that you could add to this list? If so, I would love to hear from you. Please leave a link to the video or artist below in the comment section. Thank you. #musicandmentalhealth
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