During the holidays, we often find ourselves under extreme pressure from media, advertisements, and sometimes even family to have high expectations of joy, family values and gratitude, but sometimes this part of the calendar year can often be taxing and painful for some. We want to make sure you are gentle with yourself and have some musical resources to help you maintain your positive and healthy mind throughout this challenging time of the year. Our amazing music therapist, Kate would like to share a few music interventions we use in our mental health music therapy groups that you can keep at your disposal and practice when things seem overwhelming during the holidays.

1. Playlists

Create the perfect playlist for boosting your mood or even validating your emotions.  Music is inseparable from emotion. Meaning, that if you listen to music that you find uplifting, you can try to refocus your energy into positivity. Listening to music has been proven to lower stress hormones such as cortisol. It also helps regulate your autonomic nervous system which controls your blood pressure. One way to start making playlists is to find a mood or theme and create playlists that encompass that mood or theme. Then, you can use it as a tool when you’re feeling down or stressed. Music can be a support, companion and an outlet, plus much more.

Here is an example of our 5 top Playlist titles and some song examples for each: (click on song titles to listen)

Inspiration Songs

A Change is Gonna Come - by Sam Cooke

Cranes in the Sky - by Solange

Gratitude Songs

Gratitude - by Earth, Wind and Fire

Days - by the Kinks

Releasing Anger Songs

So What - by Pink

Break Stuff - by Limp Bizkit

Distraction Songs

Them Changes - by Thundercat

Wait for a Moment - by Vulfpeck

Nostalgia Songs

Choose songs that remind you of the past and help you reminisce good time. You may also choose songs you listened to when you were 18, or songs you listened to 10 years ago. (Caution - be careful of grieving during these songs, its meant to help you connect to good feelings and welcome those into the present not to grieve or worry that you no longer feel this way)

2. Gratitude Lists

One practice that lends to maintaining positivity in times of adversity, is gratitude. It’s important to stay grateful for the things you receive whether it’s tangible or intangible. It helps you realize what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. Tony Robbins also talks a lot about focusing on gratitude as a practice. He states “gratitude and fear cannot exist at the same time” so if anything a gratitude practice can put our fear or negative thoughts on hold.  To create your gratitude list, first, you can put on your uplifting playlist you created from the above playlist example. Then, you can start your gratitude lists out small with three things you’re grateful for and write them down. A great time to do this is in the morning when you wake up, or at night before you fall asleep. Challenge yourself to not repeat items on your lists. Some people create a notebook or a journal just dedicated to gratitude. Then, when you’re feeling down, you can read through all of the things you’re grateful for. 

Here are some songs that you can use while practicing gratitude: (click on song titles to listen)

  1. What a Wonderful World - by Louis Armstrong

  2. In My Life - by The Beatles

  3. Grateful - by Rita Ora

3. Movement

Here at Mewsic Moves, we want to encourage you to move! And what a better way to move, than to music. We’re not telling you to flat out dance, although dancing is so good for you. You can move however you feel most comfortable. Moving your body to music, such as walking, stretching or dancing can help calm and regulate your emotions. It can energize you and it can even get rid of anxious energy and thoughts as many of us feel during the holiday season. What feels comfortable for you? Do you enjoy walking? If so, that bilateral stimulation provides much benefit for your body and mind. Do you enjoy stretching? It can provide stress relief, pain relief and mental clarity. Finally, dancing. It can improve cardio health, it’s gentle on the body, and it often leads to joy. Use your uplifting playlist, or create a dance playlist and find what feels good for you and your body.

Here are some songs that we suggest that will get you up off your feet: (click on song titles to listen)

  1. Sir Duke - by Stevie Wonder

  2. Hey Ya! - by OutKast

  3. Electric Feel - by MGMT

  4. Can’t Stop the Feeling - by Justin Timberlake

We want you to first of all know that it’s OK Not to be OK” (by Marshmellow & Demi Lovato) during these next few months of holidays and the whirling emotions that many of us feel. Although it’s challenging to find contrary action in hard times, we believe in you and want to share some music resources to help you get through this holiday season. We also want to encourage you to reach out and connect with others when you feel alone or need support. We hope that some of these music resources will help and support your optimum mental wellness this holiday season. 

Peaceful and Musical Wishes this Holiday Season.

Let’s Be Social:



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