Zach Farr
Music Therapist - Board Certified
Neurologic Music Therapist
Zach’s love for music therapy stems from a lifetime of involvement with music, the healing arts, and the humanities.
He received his degree in music therapy from Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, Georgia, completed his student placement at the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre in Auckland, New Zealand, and has since been working as a Board Certified Music Therapist in Los Angeles.
These experiences, coupled with a passion for teaching yoga and meditation, drew Zach into the therapy setting with a spirit of presence, care, and integrity.
Within sessions, he strives to meet each person where they are, as they are, and with a vision to actualize their potential through the best possible practice.
He is honored to serve the wonderful families and clients with Mewsic Moves and work alongside a compassionate, caring, and professional team.