Truths and Myths About Eating Disorders

There are a lot of myths surrounding eating disorders, below you’ll find the most common myths and truths.

  • Eating Disorders only affect young, thin, wealthy white girls: MYTH. Eating Disorders affect all genders, ages, ethnicities, body sizes, and socioeconomic statuses. Oftentimes because these people don’t fit the stereotype, they don’t fit the criteria for insurance companies and they do not get treated when in need.

  • Commenting on someone’s weight-loss / gain is helpful towards their recovery: MYTH. Appearance DOES NOT diagnose an eating disorder. It is important to avoid commentary on body image to prevent accidentally triggering someone. 

  • An Eating Disorder is a mental illness: TRUTH. Yes this is true! Eating disorders are brain disorders that can be triggered by / rooted in many factors: biological, social, psychological, and environmental. 

  • Recovery is possible: TRUTH. With finding the proper treatment, whether one finds a good therapist, an educated dietician, or a treatment center that is affordable and fits their needs, recovery can happen. It is important to continue raising awareness however so as a society there can be less stigma and more support. 

Music can be very helpful in aiding anxiety and connection. Learning about other musical artists who write songs about their struggles with eating disorders can help people struggling feel that they are not alone and be something that they can listen to when they are fighting this tough battle. Studies are starting to appear on the effectiveness of music therapy in aiding people with eating disorders, but there aren’t a lot yet. Here is one that could be helpful to look at: Music Therapy Interventions for Eating Disorders Study.

Musical Artists Who Have Written About their Struggles: 

If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation about how music therapy can help.

Author: Francesca Crowley, MT

A Little About Francesca:

Francesca is a music therapist in recovery who works at Mewsic Moves under the incredible John Mews, LMFT, NMT. She began her passion of understanding eating disorders and uncovering how to help others with similar issues along with their loved ones and doctors gain information. Francesca is diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease and when she was just nineteen, her Doctor told her she needed to lose weight in order to control her blood pressure. Although the doctor had good intentions, these few comments kickstarted a downward spiral for Francesca until she had a full-blown eating disorder. Learning how to use the right language to aid in someone’s well-being as well as taking the shame and guilt out of eating, but also out of body image is very important to Francesca and she hopes that this article will help others become more informed!


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