Educational blogs for parents and professionals
Mewsic Moves in the Media - The Acorn
Mewsic Moves in the Media - The Acorn
On August 13th, 2014, I had the opportunity to announce the Glee Choir in front of Calabasas City Council. I was honored to stand before the council members and share my passion and joy in providing music therapy programs for families of children with special needs, especially the Glee Choir program.
A few days after the meeting, I was thrilled to receive a request for an interview from Sylvie Belmond, who is a reporter for The Acorn newspaper.
Sylvie had lots of questions, and we talked for almost an hour. She wanted to know more about music therapy and the Glee Choir program that I had created. At the end of our interview, Sylvie said she felt it was important to let others know the importance of music therapy and how it is very different from music lessons. A few weeks later, Sylvie’s article appeared in the September 4, 2014 edition of The Acorn.
I am very grateful to Sylvie for writing such a wonderful article, and to The Acorn for publishing it. I also want to thank Debi Frankle, MFT/Owner of Calabasas Counseling and Grief Center, Calabasas and Ping Ho, Founder – UCLArts and Healing for contributing to the story.
Credits to: Sylvie Belmond – Reporter at The Acorn
Click here to read the article: http://www.theacorn.com/news/2014-09-04/Community/Glee_Choir_for_adults_with_special_needs.html
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For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here.
Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles/freedigitalphotos.net
"Music Therapy Rocks!" sharing a guest blog, by Susan Seale
I have recently joined a vibrant supportive online Facebook group called, The Daily Dose, created by Kat Fulton and Tim Ringgold. Kat and Tim also created an online support for clinicians to have a platform to fertilize their dreams and share their successes, empower-u-academy.com. This is an inspirational group filled with music therapists, clinicians and educators in business.
I this group, Kat and Tim chooses inspirational weekly themes and doses us daily with amazing articles, videos and tips to help inspire and move us into the best year of our businesses. What I enjoy most is that they also encourage us to share our dreams, visions and successes with each other in the group.
I've had the pleasure of sharing my dream in the discussion group this past week about the Glee Choir program I had created. I also shared that I am expanding this program to Southern California, Agoura Hills area! Instantly, I was flooded with amazing cheers, roars, comments and even guests bloggers sharing my dream and passion for support for adults with special needs through music therapy, such as, the Glee Choir Program.
Susan Seale - Founder of Make Me Musical!
A fellow group member, Susan Seale, writes passionately on her blog from Victoria, BC. Canada about the Glee Choir Program! Susan is the founder of, Make Me Musical! She has an amazing company supporting professionals and parents in their work to nurture, heal and educate children, and all through music and the arts! Congratulations Susan.
Please follow the link below and read Susan's blog post on the Glee Choir and her perspective on music therapy, entitled, Music Therapy Rocks! Thank-you Susan for sharing! Susan and I both welcome your comments!
Stay in-tune (musical pun intended) for more information on the Glee Choir coming to Agoura Hills California! If you would like more information please contact me: john@mewsicmoves.com
John Mews, MA, MTA
Founder & Director - Mewsic Moves
Music Therapist
Special Needs Family & Parenting Coach
Agoura Hills, CA
For FREE songs, videos and tips on how to support children with special needs through music click here!
Glee Choir Performs and Receives Amazing Community Support
Ever since I began my music therapy practice some eight years ago, I have looked for ways to expand the reach of my practice, and to bring the benefits of music therapy to more families. So at this year’s MTABC conference, I was keenly interested in Johanne Brodeur’s workshop on grant writing and fundraising.
At Mewsic Moves, we have had great success with various programs over the years. We’ve been particularly pleased with the success of our Glee Choir program, which we started last year. This program is a result of a long held dream of mine to offer a place for those with special needs a platform to express their joy and love for music.
We ran multiple sessions of the Glee Choir program over the past year. The members were so excited to share music and it was obvious that they loved performing. Their joy and enthusiasm was truly irrepressible, and we felt we needed to culminate the year with a Christmas performance.
We made the decision to put on the concert just two short weeks beforehand. It began with a community school donating space, lighting, sound and volunteers! We were overwhelmed with the support of the local businesses that donated dinners, Festival of Lights tickets, artwork, gift cards and numerous other gifts, which we used to raise money for future music therapy programs for those with financial challenges.
We had over 100 friends, family and supporters in attendance. The night was filled with smiles and joy, beaming parents, and amazing music straight from the heart. All of us at Mewsic Moves were deeply touched by this heartfelt performance. It rekindled a passion within me to expand the horizons of our practice. Since we were able to create such a beautiful event in just two weeks, imagine what we could do with more time to plan!
So we are planning another Glee Choir this summer, which will be even more amazing. We hope to raise even more money to expand the number of programs we can offer, particularly for those who have challenging financial conditions.
So we look forward to the continue expansion of our horizons in our quest to bring the benefits of music therapy to more of those who can benefit from it. I encourage all of your to join me in setting your vision to a new heights this year and do your part to advocate and promote music therapy in all your workplaces and communities!
Happy Expanded Horizons!
Click here to view our thank-you video
Check out some of our photos from our Concert: December 14, 2012